DON’T READ This and Continue To Drain Your Wallet on Ads.

I want to let you in on a secret that transformed the way I do advertising for the better. I remember when I was stuck in this matrix of terrible marketing, trying to get leads with one-step lead generation, which was about as effective as an AIDS-riddled midget with a handicap going fishing.

This is what the vast majority of businesses do when they first start out marketing their products.

It’s like trying to blindly stab the water with a spear in hopes of catching a fish.

So that’s why in the next 3-4 minutes, I’ll show you the secret that world-class marketers use to NEVER run out of clients ever again.

Handicapped Spear Fishing.

When it comes to marketing, people seem to love to go spear fishing on a handicap.

Whenever they launch ads, they start selling to the customer on the first ad without warming-up their target customers first. This is called “One-Step Lead Generation”

Now, there’s always a time and place for certain processes like One-Step Lead Generation, but if we’re talking about digital marketing, you’ll definitely need to step up your game.

One-Step Lead Generation practically drains your wallet dry on digital ads, since you will be making less for how much you paid for the ads.

The best marketers in the game use a process called “Two-Step Lead Generation” to attract new customers while ALSO getting huge returns per penny they spend on ads.

Two-Step Lead Generation.

Two-Step Lead Generation is like baiting and catching tons of fish with a huge fishing net.

You’re baiting your potential customers with the initial ad (But you are NOT selling… yet) to garner interaction. The potential customers who interacted with the initial ad are the customers you want to double-down on.

With that being said, we will re-target these people with a second ad because they show interest in your service/product, hence the name “Two-Step Lead Generation”

We’re no longer shooting blindly in the dark, but we’re now shooting at clear targets in broad daylight.

“There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.”

Now that we have baited the fish, we’re now going to cast the net and reel in the catch.

The second ad is the selling ad, meaning we’re now going to sell to the warm-leads who are interested in your service/product.

The second ad should essentially identify and state the Problem your target audience is facing, Agitate that problem by feeding into the target audience’s pain point/problem (which should’ve been researched earlier), essentially twisting your thumb in their wound, and finally, you present your Solution to that problem (Don’t forget the call to action at the end of the ad).

Congratulations! You’re Now A Marketing Pro.

Now that you know how to successfully not drain your wallet on ads, it’s time to actually put this to good use.

Quick recap: Define your target audience, initiate with an engaging ad providing valuable content about a relevant topic while encouraging interaction with the content to gauge interest and engagement, use Meta or Google pixels to monitor engagement with the ad, re-target those who interacted with the first ad with the second ad that you will be selling to your target audience on.

Talk soon,

Nicolas W.

P.S. Want to see what I could do for you? Click the link HERE and fill out the form to get a Free Marketing Consultation + Ad Analysis!

P.P.S. Meta and Google Pixels essentially tracks who interacts with your ad.


Get a BOAT-LOAD Of Sales By Improving Your Writing (Pt. 1)


WARNING! This Was The BEST Marketing Advice I Ever Received.