How To Get A TSUNAMI Of Leads With This Sneaky Technique.
The absolute majority of headlines are vague, cliche, or just dead wrong. In the next 3 minutes, I’m going to show you how to get the attention of prospects by simply improving your headline, and finally force your advertising to do what it’s supposed to do; get new clients. Let’s get into it.
The Airport Problem.
Imagine a busy airport. People are everywhere, it’s noisy, chaotic, hellish, and hectic. Let’s also say that you HAVE to get my attention.
How would you do it?
You can start asking everyone one by one if they’ve seen me, but there are THOUSANDS of people at the airport, and it would be nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get my attention.
The best way to get my attention?
Shout my name.
Makes sense, but what does it have to do with reaching your perfect client?
Fixing Bleeding Necks.
When I work with clients, I ask a lot of questions, including:
“Who is your target audience? Who is your perfect target customer?
Every once in a while, a client says:
“eVerYoNe! We sell to EvEryONe!”
For three simple reasons:
1.) Not everyone needs or wants your service.
2.) If you try to reach everyone you’ll end up reaching no one.
3.) It will be like individually asking people at a busy airport if they’ve seen me (referring to the example from earlier).
A perfect client has a problem, a desire, something they really want. And your service gets them what they want.
In the realm of marketing, we call this a ‘bleeding neck’ problem.
Something you want to solve right away. An itch you want to scratch ASAP.
Reach those people and you’ll solve every marketing and sales problem. Here’s how:
Reaching Your Perfect Client:
If you were a dog trainer you could theoretically sell to anyone that has a dog.
But let’s say your most profitable service is helping clients train their puppy to stop chewing on furniture and stop pooping in the house.
So instead of targeting every dog owner we focus on puppy owners.
The WORST way to reach those perfect clients is to have a headline saying something like:
“Doggy Dan’s Online Dog Training
We train all dogs, all breeds, all ages to do anything.”
See the issue?
It’s so bland, so vague, so nondescript… that no one is going to think:
“Wow! This is for ME!”
And that’s the response we want our perfect client to have:
“This is for me. This scratches my itch. This person gets what I’m dealing with.”
So, don’t be afraid to stand out and tailor your headline to your perfect client.
It will make a HUGE difference.
Talk soon,
P.S. If you want me to look at your marketing plan and see what I could do for you, please fill out the form by clicking on the link HERE for a free marketing consultation.
P.P.S. And yes, apparently “Doggy Dan” actually exists. What an interesting name…