How To DRAMATICALLY Improve Your Conversion Rates With This Easy Trick.
I want to tell you a trick I learned that immediately transformed how I write advertisements for the better.
I remember exactly when and where I learned about this and if you really grasp what I’m about to tell you…
I think this moment will stay with you forever as well.
The Lego Problem.
Most people aren’t very good at following instructions. It’s a fact, and it’s been proven time and time again.
When people can’t follow set instructions, they start doing ALL SORTS of BS nonsense.
Picture an instructions manual for a Lego set.
If the instructions are vague and hard to understand, you won’t do anything with it because you wouldn’t know how to put it together without clear instructions.
It would be a waste of time trying to distinguish what the instructions are trying to say and trying to work out which Lego piece goes to which.
Common sense right? But what does this have to do with improving your conversion rates?
The Simple Fix That Changed My Marketing FOREVER.
Your CTA is your instructions manual for your target audience, and the majority of advertisements contain horrendously ambiguous CTAs.
An unclear, vague, and confusing CTAs causes the target prospect to do the WORST thing possible:
If you were the target prospect and you came across an ad that had poor instructions, would you waste your time trying to decode and decipher what the instructions tell you to do?
Of course not!
Then why do so many marketers give unclear instructions to their prospects?
It’s about as useful as a pet rock,
about as useful as a bucket full of holes,
and is about as effective as a one-legged man at an ass-kicking contest.
So I ask of you two things…
1.) Make your CTA clear, easy, and foolproof.
2.) Use older people (preferably people over the age of 40) to test out your CTA.
Talk soon,
Nicolas W.
P.S. If you want me to look at your marketing plan and see what I could do for you, please fill out the form by clicking on the link HERE for a free marketing consultation.