Sell ANYTHING By Mastering Just Three Simple Marketing Elements.
If you’re struggling to put together an ad that drives sales, don’t worry, I know exactly how you feel. I’ve tried everything from the marketing gurus on YouTube to those Instagram Reels where you comment “sales” to receive a half-baked marketing guide.
Looking back, I wasn’t quite sure what I was expecting. Maybe I was expecting some magical, top-secret, confidential scroll that no one knows about that instantly bestows world-class marketing knowledge into my brain.
Like Neo from The Matrix when they instantly upload all the combat skills into his mind.
Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. However, the truth about good marketing is WAY simpler than people make it out to be.
Before you understand what makes a winning ad, you need to understand what not to do and how we ended up in a world of trash advertising.
If You’re Still Selling On Price, I’ve Got News For You.
You’ve been led to believe all sorts of ineffective marketing techniques throughout your life.
I’m sure you’ve seen the Coca-Cola commercials with the polar bear around Christmas. Why they run these commercials is a mystery, but when you have the advertising budget of Coca-Cola, anything is possible in the name of “brand awareness.”
Commercials like these lead you to believe that fancy CGI and a bear drinking a carbonated beverage will help sell more Coke.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never once seen a Coca-Cola ad and thought,
“Hey look! It’s the polar bears! I have to buy some coke!”
This is one example of a sea of many famous brands using questionable marketing methods. Because of their massive size, they can throw just about anything at the wall, and it will stick.
They have endless budgets, and chances are, you do not.
These mega-brands have skewed the ability to see what elements truly make an ad that increases sales and have trapped us in a matrix of horrible marketing strategies.
“The ad needs to have someone famous in it.”
“There needs to be a hot woman in the ad for sex appeal.”
“There needs to be a catchy jingle.”
“There has to be a guy eating Doritos during an ultrasound.”
“The product needs to be cheap!”
While the factors above play an “important” role in ads, they are decorative elements on top of a much larger foundation.
Before you worry about jingles and celebrities you need to focus on the foundation.
So what will it be, Neo, will you take the blue pill or the red pill?
Take the blue pill and you go back to brand-building ads, selling on being the cheapest, never making a dime, and filing for bankruptcy.
If you choose the red pill, I will teach you the three core elements of marketing that you can apply anywhere and achieve massive results.
The Red Pill of Marketing.
Get your notepad ready, we’re above to dive in. Here are the three components to a successful marketing campaign.
Element 1: Who are you talking to? What is your target audience?
Probably the most important of the three elements is who you are targeting with your ad. It doesn’t matter what your product or service is, there’s a certain audience that it’s geared towards and it’s up to you to find it.
Tailoring your message towards these people is necessary, because it is literally impossible to come up with a message that speaks and applies to everyone.
Keep in mind we are following general rules here, and ignoring the rare exceptions.
A great example of this would be car mechanic tools. Not sure what percentage of technicians are men, but I’m sure it’s easily in the 90% range. Thus, our message needs to be tailored towards men. Simple right?
“B-B-B-But what about the female technicians?”
They make up an extremely small percentage of your target audience, so it doesn’t make sense to fit your ad to their interests.
If they want to buy your tools, they still can, you aren’t stopping them. It’s just that you won’t be tailoring your message to fit them. It’s the same way you wouldn’t gear a nail salon advertisement toward men.
Element 2: What are you saying? What is the message?
Your message, what your ad is selling, needs to be powerful, clear, persuasive, and compelling. It’s a competitive world out there, your ad needs to cut through the clutter.
It cannot be boring, nor can it be what everyone else is saying.
…And in case you missed it, the message better not be “I am the cheapest!” That’s just economical suicide.
Element 3: How are you reaching these people?
Once you have the first two elements nailed down, it’s time to think about how you’ll get the message out there. Fortunately for you, there’s good news related to reaching your target audience.
Figuring out the “how” used to be difficult and expensive. In the past you had to buy a list of addresses, and physically mail your ad to the prospects.
The good news is that social media has made this step fairly easy. With the use of Meta or Google ads, you can target anyone you wish! Are they local people? What age are they? What are their interests? etc.
The great thing about Meta/Google ads is you can test multiple audiences at the same time, and fine-tune your ad on the fly as results come in.
More leads with headline A than headline B? Double-down on headline A and come up with a new headline B to see if it outperforms headline A. Rinse and repeat. This is the “how” to run an ad that generates more sales.
Welcome To the Real World, Neo.
Now that you’ve been given the core elements of a successful marketing campaign it’s time to put them into action.
You can combine a clear target audience, a powerful message, and a strategic method of outreach into a marketing campaign that cuts through the noise and gets sales.
So, experiment, track your results, and refine your approach as you go.
Sticking to these three principles will put you leagues ahead of most marketers and give you the proper layup to the massive results that will make you more successful.
Talk soon,
Nicolas W.
P.S. If you want me to look at your marketing plan and see what I could do for you, please fill out the form by clicking on the link HERE for a free marketing consultation + analysis.